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CUR Staff Spotlight: Meredith Rector

By Elizabeth Moris posted 02-29-2024 12:51 PM


CUR’s National Office Team is composed of talented professionals who are passionate about the work they do and their commitment to providing the highest standard of service for CUR’s members and community. After all, our community is our family here at CUR. We have taken a moment to interview each of our National Office Staff for you all to get to know them a little better.

Office Staff Spotlight: Meredith Rector

Q: What is your full name, the name you wish to go by, and your organizational title at CUR?
A: Meredith Rector | Meredith | Community Engagement Manager

Q: What is one thing that most people wouldn't know about you? 
A: I’ve summited an active volcano!

Q: Where did you get your education?
I received my bachelor’s degree from Elmira College and my master’s degree from Harvard University.

Q: Do you prefer tea or coffee and why? 
A: I prefer coffee based on the sheer amount of caffeine I need to function. But, tea in the afternoon is nice. 

Q: Were you involved in undergraduate research when you were in school or elsewhere? If so, did it make an impact on any portion of your life?
A: I did conduct research as an undergrad and was able to publish it and present at a conference. While I wasn't thinking about grad school at the time, this definitely helped hone my skills in communication, editing, and public speaking. 

If you want to learn more about Meredith or get in touch with her, find out more here. 

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